    01-30 18:12

    该平台是英国公司,在2015年1月27日宣布破产 ,我现在无法出金,不知道下一步该怎么办了。受英国FCA监管,我该怎么办。 请爱金融帮助,谢谢你们了。 下面是2015年1月27日给来的邮件sNt91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

    Important notice for the attention of existing and prospective clientsFollowing the decision by the Swiss National Bank to remove the informal peg between the Swiss frANC and the euro, which prompted volatility across the foreign Exchange markets,LQD Markets (UK) Limited ("LQD") has experienced Trading difficulties and has been in close liaison with the FinANCial Conduct Authority ("FCA") about this.Following consultation with the FCA and professional advisers, on 27 January 2015 LQD applied to the FCA for a number of requirements to be imposed on LQD and its business. Following this application, the FCA placed these requirements on LQD’s permission (which is available for inspection on the FinANCial Services Register). These requirements include a requirement that LQD:csNt91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

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