看到之前有人咨询eurofx平台的信息,有些内容想补充咨询下。 eurofx的全称是EURO FOREX INVESTMENT LIMITED,我在下面这个网站查到了他在新西兰的监管信息 http://www.business.govt.nz/fsp/ 查询到的信息如下 Name: EFIL - EURO FOREX INVESTMENT LIMITED FSP number: FSP259205 Registration date: 03/12/2012 Country of origin: United Kingdom Business Address: Level 2, Office 8, 2 Woodward St., Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand Not providing any finANCial services to retail clients FinANCial services This FSP is registered to provide the following finANCial services: Wholesale and/or generic finANCial adviser services keeping, investing, administering, or managing money, securities, or investment portfolios on behalf of other persons Entering into or Trading on an Exchange, in an over-the-counter market or otherwise service 想咨询一下内容: 1.基于上述信息,能否判断该公司合法合规,或者是否是黑平台? 2.该公司在新西兰注册,能否在英国办公,如果此处违规,会有什么后果?3.在这个平台投资会有什么样的潜在风险