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2020-02-03 01:09:26
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  功能介绍 建银国际6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  要点: 中国数据四季度如期企稳,复苏预计延续。12月数据反弹幅度超预期:供应链贸易推动进出口双双反弹,汽车和科技行业领衔工业生产复苏,制造业投资回暖,支持我们对周期数据相对市场更为乐观的判断。预计未来数月制造业将延续上行周期全球制造业先行指标指向进一步动能,1月专项债创纪录的发行量也显示国内财政政策可能超前发力,支撑整体经济增速。此外。12月录得新房、二手房价格环比上涨的城市数量双双增加,为19年二季度以来首次,显示房市有所回暖(图1)。近期地方严调控政策有所放松,支持房市走强,也为近期数据带来上行风险。6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台








  Economic recovery well on track6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  · Chinas data bottomed out in 4Q as we expected; recovery likely to continue6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  Dec data surprises on the upside: export and import growth rebounded on recovering supply-chain trade. IP accelerated driven by the auto and tech sectors, while investment growth firmed up thanks to a strong rebound in the manufacturing sector. The latest data is consistent with our forecast of an upswing in the industrial cycle supporting growth. We look for current growth momentum to continue at least through the coming months as the global industrial cycle picks up and policymakers front-load fiscal support through record-high project bond issuANCes.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  In addition, the number of cities recording month-over-month increases in new and second-hand housing prices picked up in Dec, the first time this has happened since the second quarter of 2019, indicating the housing market may have warmed up. Tightening policies have been relaxed, supporting the housing market and giving rise to upside risk for the data in the near term.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  · China-US phase-one deal signed; all eyes turn to next round of negotiatio6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  The agreement encompasses intellectual property, technology transfers, agriculture, finANCial services, currency, expanding trade and dispute resolution. China will purchase an additional US$200b of US goods and services over the next two years and accelerate the opening-up of its finANCial sector. China also stated that if any party fails to fulfill its commitment as agreed, the two sides would attempt to find a solution through consultation first, and strive to avoid an escalation of conflicts. In addition, the Exchange rate policy will comply with the IMF surveillANCe framework and avoid competitive devaluation. The next stage of bilateral dialog is expected to involve issues of industrial policy and subsidies for state-owned enterprises.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  The strengthening of the renminbi Exchange rate is in line with our expectation. Stronger trade and industrial data coupled with acceleration in foreign capital inflows, will continue to support the renminbi Exchange rate. We revise our USDCNY forecasts from 7.0 and 6.9 to 6.8 and 6.8 for end-Jun and end-2020F, respectively.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  · US consumption better than expected, but inflationary pressure still absent6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  US retail sales data for Dec came in better than expected, though the growth rate in Nov was lowered slightly. The Thanksgiving calendar effects were partly to blame for this as sales of all major categories increased in Dec. In particular, catering services rebounded after declining for two consecutive months. At the same time, core PPI inflation data for Dec was dragged lower than expected by medical services, suggesting that PCE inflation at the end of 2019 will stay well below the Feds 2% target. Amid weak inflation, improving growth and positive news, US stocks hit new highs, and the US 10-year Treasury yield was flat from a week ago.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  Whats next?6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  · LPR likely hold once agai6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  Latest signals from the PBoC are for a pause in easing before Chinese New Year. The PBoC notes there will be limited space for future RRR cuts. In addition, the central bank noticed that the actual lending rate fell meaningfully in Dec 2019, suggesting there is no rush to cut the interest rate again. Over the past week, the seven-day repo rate rose sharply. With liquidity tightening, we do not see a strong incentive for the banks to reduce their LPR interest rate quotations next week. Nevertheless, slower easing does not mean the PBoC has suspended easing once and for all. The central bank recently stated it would continue to use the tools at its disposal such as RRR, MLF, OMOs and SLF in 2020F. Driven by the goal of reducing borrowing cost in the real economy, we expect the PBoC to reduce OMO rates further this year.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  · China Manufacturing PMI expected to edge down in Jan given the earlier holiday6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  Due to the earlier Chinese New Year holidays this year (VS. 2019), the number of working days decreased in Jan, which will weigh on production data. High-frequency data so far has been mixed: coal consumption by the six major power plants declined sequentially while the national blast furnace operating rate went up. Industrial metal and energy prices also climbed. The decline in production days in Jan will interfere with the PMI data and a further recovery in the data is expected to be shown in the Feb-Mar report.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  · Fed, ECB to leave policies unchanged6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  Improvement in the macro outlook since 4Q19 supports the two major central banks sticking with their current monetary policy entering 2020F. For one, the global manufacturing sector is stabilizing and is poised for a rebound. Business confidence and market expectations are also picking up as uncertainties surrounding trade policy have declined. In addition to the phase-one agreement between China and the US, the US Congress recently passed the US-Canada-MEXico trade deal. Given the above, we expect the ECB and the Fed to stay on its current course in the short term. Interest rate futures indicate that the market is expecting no change throughout the year.6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


  1月 13日 : 宏观周报:6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


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  12月 16日 : 宏观周报:6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


  12月 9日 : 宏观周报:6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


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  11月25日 :6TE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



