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磐石金融:No 380 - Inflation and PPI
2020-02-03 01:22:59
信息编号:7299 | 热度:
Ms.陈 当前我在线

  What a day! And that was only the 5th Trading day of the year, and there is another 250 or so left on the calendar. Perhaps the most obvious feature was the global news sources struggling to keep up with Twitter and its variants, as many of yesterdays key players spoke directly to their communities and events were broadcast in real-time. So, as we pick through the wreckage of our expectations, let's go back to the data.Chinese inflation YoY Dec came in this morning at 4.5% unchanged from the previous 4.5% and lower than the expected 4.7%. However, it is the highest inflation rate since January 2012 underpinned by surging pork prices following the prolonged African swine fever epidemic. Beijing is hoping that we are seeing peak pork prices as demand should moderate following the Chinese New Year celebrations starting 24th January.Looking at the Producer Price Index YoY Dec actual -0.5% previous -1.4% forecast -0.4% one might be tempted to argue the deceleration in the Chinese manufacturing sector is beginning to bottom out. Still falling yes, but not as fast. Next Tuesday we have New Loans, Loan Growth and Total Social FinANCing and if Chinese manufacturing is beginning to recover we should see some confirmation thereHave a good dayuf391联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  John Browning先生于2002至2004年担任伦敦金属交易所LME的董事会成员和电子商务委员会主席,被业界公认在建立LME电子交易平台方面做出过突出贡献。uf391联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

  2008年,在移居到亚洲之前,Browning先生为伦敦巴克莱资本集团Barclays Capital电子交易部董事。在新际金融Newedge任职香港金属部主管时,他与石成虎先生共同开发了世界上第一个可同时交易国内和国外期货市场的套利交易系统。创立磐石之前,Browning先生任职Jefferies香港商品部董事总经理uf391联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

本文标题:磐石金融:No 380 - Inflation and PPI


