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2019-09-20 19:59:59
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美国超过1600万人拥有数字货币 另有1170万人正在考虑买币LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

cryptonewsz报告,nobl InsurANCe在一项电话调查后发布报告称,超过1600万美国人拥有数字货币,另有1170万人正在考虑在来年购买数字货币。报告显示,美国数字货币市场价值超过1000亿美元。报告中提到,只有10%的数字货币所有者将他们的代币存放在冷钱包中,这是存储数字资产最安全的模式。根据该报告,代币所有者被黑客和网络犯罪分子攻击的风险大幅增加,并且这种趋势似乎不会很快下降。数据显示,与数字货币相关的网络犯罪相比2017年增加了300%以上,而与20196月同比增长了355%。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



美联储削减利率 数字货币社交媒体期待BTC会受益LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

cryptovest 919日消息,如预期那样,美联储降低利率并指出了今年年底的另一次降息,数字货币社交媒体期待BTC会因此受益。分析指出,在过去三年利率上升至2.5%的高峰后,此次降息似乎将延续美联储新的量化宽松时期。降息意味着随后推动流动性,但也可能削弱美元汇率。量化宽松可能意味着以美元计算的BTC价格甚至更高。在降息前一天,美联储不得不干预隔夜贷款市场的流动性注入。一系列事件和付款时间表以及较低的隔夜存款意味着银行因其即时运营而无法获得短期信贷。在2008年,在欧元区,流动性的这种干涸是危机深化的先兆之一,这导致欧洲央行将利率降至零并使其保持低位十多年。在那十年间,从2008年末到2019年,BTC做出了一些引人注目的举动。现在,BTC进入另一个与早期危机略有相似的时期。从短期来看,BTC价格走弱,在14561澳元附近交易,但人们仍然期待更多的戏剧性拉升。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台








Crypto Globe今日消息,全球最大金矿公司巴里克黄金公司(Barrick gold)首席运营官Catherine Raw表示,黄金行业可以从数字货币中学习经验,以激发投资者的热情。Catherine Raw称,数字货币现象已经存在,但更希望看到黄金发展,由于没有利用不断变化的人口结构,黄金行业已经陷入困境。Raw特别强调,随着千禧一代和年轻成年投资者更多地转向BTC和数字资产,黄金需要从千禧一代和年轻成年投资者那里获得更多的兴趣。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台




总部位于加拿大的资产管理公司 Wave FinANCial 推出首个基于数字货币衍生品收益的基金 Wave BTC IncomeGrowth Digital Fund,该基金注册于英属维尔京群岛,旨在通过买卖 BTC 看涨期权来获得收益。该基金的目标是每月发放净资产 1.5% 收益率,约年收益率 18%。同时,该基金表示,其BTC将由富达旗下数字资产管理业务(Fidelity Digital Assets)实行托管。Wave FinANCial 首席执行官 David Siemer 表示,Wave 旨在为投资者提供持有BTC资产并「对冲风险的替代方式」。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台







TheBlock消息,美国区块链概念股、金融科技公司Square19日宣布,聘请Valentine WallaceJeffrey CzyzArik Sosman加入Square的数字货币开发者团队Square Crypto。其中Wallace来自旧金山BTC闪电网络技术开发公司Lightning LabsCzyz来自谷歌,Sosman来自Facebook的数字货币项目Libra。在这三人加入后,Square Crypto完成了初始开发者团队的筹建。今年6SquareCEO Jack Dorsey称,Square Crypto可能招募五名工程师和一名设计师。如果组建五个人的团队专门做BTC的代码审核,可能极大推动社区,加快开发速度。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



游戏开发商GoldenCompassBaer Chain达成战略合作LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

近日,北美知名的游戏开发机构Golden CompassBaer Chain签署战略合作协议,双方将在IP游戏、游戏研发及渠道运营等领域开展全方位的全球化业务合作。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

Golden Compass长期致力于开发手机APP游戏,在APPHTML5等多种版本有着丰富的经验。该机构负责人表示,区块链游戏是当前最有潜力的游戏发展产业之一,希望以此签约合作为契机,借助Baer Chain庞大的百万生态优势,进一步加快IP渠道拓展的国际化步伐。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

据悉,Baer Chain是基于区块链技术构架建立的分布式游戏生态平台,致力于打造全球区块链游戏第一公链。Baer Chain主网已于今年815日正式上线,目前在全球范围内已有上百个游戏开发团队在进行基于Baer Chain主网技术架构的游戏开发。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



动态| 美国总统特朗普会见Facebook CEO扎克伯格 就相关监管问题进行讨论LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

美国总统特朗普发布推特表示在白宫会见 Facebook创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格。据悉,高级顾问 Dan Scavino  Jared Kushner 也同时参加了该会议。特朗普自担任美国总统以来,已多次批评 Facebook,还在推特发布关于 FacebookLibra项目观点,称 Facebook 将没有什么地位或可靠性。由于 Facebook 正面临越来越多关于其隐私和市场方面的调查,Facebook CEO 马克·扎克伯格近日正在华盛顿与多名美国国会参议员会面,Facebook 发言人 Andy Stone 在一份声明中表示,扎克伯格此次行程将与政策制定者会面,讨论未来的互联网监管情况。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



韩国批发巨头apM推出区块链项目 以提高数字支付和消费者奖励LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

Bitcoinist 919日消息,韩国批发巨头apM集团最近通过一个名为apM Coin的项目进入了区块链领域。apM Coin是专为时尚批发市场设计的客户奖励支付平台。它的目标是为买家和批发商提供方便和高效的商业交易服务,同时促进可持续的市场增长。apMCoin采用区块链技术和基于云的apM连锁平台,为批发时尚市场提供安全的数字支付、消费者奖励和CRM解决方案。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



CoinDesk919日消息,美国银行加入了马可波罗区块链贸易网络。马可波罗由创业公司R3TradeIX创立,建立在R3Corda区块链平台上。该网络旨在提供实时连接,提高贸易关系的可见性,降低获取资金的障碍。随着美国银行集团的出现,R3首席执行官David E. Rutter表示,他希望鼓励更多的美国银行加入马可波罗。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



Bitcoin Cash Futures Expected to Open up US Market byQ1 2020LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Bitcoin.com is in discussions about listing a bitcoin cash (BCH) futures contract on a new Exchange with approval from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). David Shin,the head of the Exchange business at Bitcoin.com, expects the new instrument can reach the market by the end of the year, or the first quarter of 2020, and that it will be cash-settled on day one.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


The goal of having a BCH futures contract on a CFTC-regulated venue is to open up the U.S. market so that more institutional Traders can gain exposure to the cryptocurrency and thus generate higher Trading volumes in total. Additionally, there is interest from some retail brokers in offering Trading on such a regulated instrument,and Shin is also in talks with them about the possibility.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“We are in discussion with a US Exchange that will shortly be CFTC approved to list a BCH futures contract to create greater demand for BCH and increase Trading volumes,” Bitcoin.com CEO Stefan Rust explains. “There are two main reasons behind this. First, with BCH futures, institutions will be able to manage the exposure to market volatility better and therefore protect funds under management better, and hence allocate a larger portion of their funds to BCH. Second, with this product BCH is also accessing a new US finANCial services market through futures that is CFTC regulated. This is a massive market that’s new to BCH. Both of these drive up volumes which in turn drives up demand for BCH which will lead to an increase in market value. This is largely driven by futures volumes in the US market increasing demand and ultimately the value.”LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Regulators Keep US MarketBehind in Crypto AdoptionLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

The Chicago MercantileExchange (CME Group) does offer finANCially-settled BTC futures contracts forU.S. investors. However, by global comparison, American regulators have made it very difficult for investors to access the global cryptocurrency market with ETFs and the same is true for derivatives. For example, a number of companies have been working hard to launch regulated physically-delivered bitcoin futures contracts in the U.S., but their efforts have so far been hampered by the CFTC.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Last month the CEO of Ledgerx, Paul Chou, had to retract the news that his company went live with bitcoin futures for retail Trading after it received regulatory approval for swaps. Ledgerx launched its institutional Trading platform back in 2017 and has been waiting ever since for the specific CFTC approval for the instrument. He also complained that the regulators were not doing their job and threatened to sue the CFTC for anti-competitive behavior and breach of duty.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Another Trading platform recently approved by the CFTC for physically-delivered bitcoin futures is TDA meritrade-backed Erisx. However, the most anticipated venue to enter the market is Bakkt, the digital assets subsidiary of New York Stock Exchange parent,Intercontinental Exchange (NYSE: ICE).LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Back in 2018 ICE announced that the Bakkt Bitcoin Daily Futures Contract would start Trading on Dec. 12,2018. This has not happened, and the launch date has been pushed back again and again. The reason for this according to media reports is the necessity of compliANCe with cumbersome CFTC demands. If nothing changes again, Bakkt is now expected to bring physical delivery futures contracts to market participants inmore than 30 countries by the end of 2019.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


The International BCHDerivatives MarketLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

Besides some of the biggest players in the traditional finANCe markets trying to enter the cryptocurrency derivatives business, we have also seen companies from the digital assets industry focus on filling the same niche. Among those crypto Trading venues who started offering bitcoin cash derivatives to their Traders, we can list BitMEX, U.K. FCA-regulated Crypto Facilities, Hong Kong-based Coinflex and Huobi Derivative Market (Huobi DM). While these types of Exchanges are a good option for experienced crypto Traders to get into highly leveraged long and short positions on BCH, they don’t have the global brand power of beingCFTC-regulated, which will serve as a major seal of approval for the cryptocurrency in the eyes of timid investors once they launch bitcoin cash futures.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Bitcoin.com has already been successful in making BCH instruments more accessible to traditional investors around the world. Amun AG, a Swiss company facilitating access to crypto-asset investments, announced in July that it had listed the first Exchange-traded product (ETP) tracking the performANCe of bitcoin cash on Switzerland’sprincipal stock Exchange. The Amun Bitcoin Cash ETP is a fully collateralized product that is denominated in U.S. dollars and has an annual investor fee of2.5% that includes custody, insurANCe, and re-balANCing fees. This crypto investment instrument was seeded with 25,000 BCH from Bitcoin.com ExecutiveChairman Roger Ver.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Bitcoin Hash Rate Hits 102 Quintillion in HistoricNetwork MilestoneLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Bitcoin adds another zero to hash rateLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

As data from monitoring resource Blockchain confirmed on Sept. 18, hash rate, ultimately a function of how secure the Bitcoin network is, has reached a high of 102.8 quintillion hashes.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


The achievement follows a string of records for the metric this year, Cointelegraph reporting on various stages of its expansion over the past few months.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Hash rate refers to the amount of computing power involved in processing Bitcoin transactions. The higher the number of hashes, the more implied competition there is among miners to obtain the block reward.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Since December 2018, the hash rate has progressed from its recent low of 31 quintillion hashes per second, equating to the progress of 230%.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Bitcoin proponents eye price implicationsLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

Current growth has excited commentators, despite coming in tandem with a moderate decline in Bitcoin price.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


As many noted, new upward action for hash rate tends may hint at future price growth. Hash rate began growing in January after several months of decline, with price then following in April.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Commenting on the current rate of growth, Lightning Torch organizer Hodlonaut said the figures spoke to underlying confidence among miners.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“Last readjustment period (2016 blocks, or around 2 weeks) increased 10.38%. We are about half-way through the current readjustment period, and on track for another 11.85% increase,” he forecast.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Others have already given more bullish predictions. Max Keiser, a firm believer in Bitcoin’s prowess over altcoins, has frequently doubled down on his depiction of giant surges in both hash rate and price in the near future.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

News SourceCointelegraph)LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台



China’s Crypto Czar: Facebook-Led Libra ‘MightBe Unstoppable’LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


China’s cryptocurrency czar believes that while the world powers do not welcomeFacebook’s Libra, the stable coin’s advANCe might now be unstoppable.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


A few days before Chang chuan Mu, the new director of China’s Research Institute on Digital Currency, officially assumed his role on Sept. 6, an online education platform released six lectures by the crypto chief.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


In the series, Mu answers a range of crypto questions, from Libra’s technical features, to its potential integration with the international currency system, while touting the advantages of China’s own digital currency compared to Libra.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“No countries welcome Libra, but it might be unstoppable anyways,” Mu said in the third lecture of the series. “It is very unlikely that one can totally stop people from buying Libra despite rigorous regulations.”LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Mu explained that the most a central bank could do to prevent Libra from entering a country would be to ask all their payment institutions and commercial banks not to process any transactions related to Libra.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


However, there are still a few back channels through which users could circumvent the ban to purchase Libra, he said, citing underground Bitcoin Trading in China as an example of how it could work.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


AlthoughChina’s Exchanges have blocked bitcoin transactions and payment institutions and commercial banks are prohibited from processing any bitcoin transactions, there are still some agencies that use virtual private networks (VPNs) to buy bitcoin from foreign Exchanges, according to Mu.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


The situation applies to Libra as well. “Even if Facebook is blocked in China, people will use indirect ways to purchase it from abroad once Libra comes out,” Mu said.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


But he thought that there was only one possibility to stop Libra: “If the U.S. bansLibra legally, then Libra will certainly be stopped.”LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


As long as the U.S. does not put a legal ban on Libra, and other central banks loosen regulations over time, it is highly likely that Libra will become a dominant international currency, Mu said.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


There are a few extreme cases where a country fully embraces Libra, Mu said, notingZimbabwe — with rampant inflation — announced last year that it welcomes any alternative currencies.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


A Fight Over Monetary SovereigntyLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

If one of the foundations for monetary policy is that the central bank is able to control supply and demand of its local currency by adjusting the interest rate, Libra would be a destabilizing force, Mu argued.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Effective monetary policies are crucial for a country’s economy, Libra would chip away that power, he said.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“If we allow Libra come to the market, we would open the underground economic channels,” Mu said. “It will be hard for China to manage foreign currencies and the $50,000 capital outflow cap would be less effective,” Mu said.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Controlling capital flows and preventing money laundering were the “deeper reasons” behind the Chinese crackdown on initial coin offerings in 2017, he said. Mu said about15% of international payments last year were encrypted assets, citing a survey from blockchain company Clovr, although CoinDesk was unable to locate that report.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


Musaid Thailand and Vietnam would lose control over their monetary and interest rate policies because of their weak currencies, while Libra could also inflate local currency as people tend to buy cryptocurrency with local fiat, resulting in inflation and the devaluation of assets denominated by local currencies.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


RepairThe Roof Before A Rainy DayLpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

Earlier this year, China announced plans to launch the DCEP — the Digital CurrencyElectronic Payment — as a domestic stable coin rival in the Libra model.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


WhileMu pointed out that DCEP will not be a copy of Libra, the central bank has compared DCEP with Libra in its statements and in how the coin would be used by consumers.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


China’s national digital currency plan would be fully-backed by the central government and pegged one-to-one to the Chinese renminbi.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“One of the goals for DCEP is to replace cash,” Mu said. Since the DCEP is not tied to a bank account, the currency can enable users to have anonymous transactions, which would give the same advantage as Libra in terms of digital payment.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


While there is a possibility that Facebook could track you down if you use Libra, the same would be true for the DCEP, according to Mu.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“The new digital currency will spot certain behavioral patterns using big data and identify the users,” Mu said, noting the technology can “help the government crackdown on money laundering, tax evasion and finANCing terrorist groups.”LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台


“We need to defend our monetary sovereignty and currency, repair the roof before a rainy day,” Mu said.LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

News SourceCoindesk)LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台







1.     全球数字货币市场总价值为4011.7亿澳元(+1.9%),24h成交量为1081.4亿澳元(+59.2%)。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

2.     主流数字货币表现如下:ETH暂报323.9澳元(+4.3%)、XRP暂报0.4澳元(-4.0%)、BCH暂报470.4澳元(-1.6%)、LTC暂报112.7澳元(-1.8%)、ETC暂报9.1澳元(-2.9%)、EOS暂报5.8澳元(-3.3%)。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台

3.     24小时行情市值排名前百币种中涨幅前三为:REN(+19.5%)、GNT(+18.4%)、ZRX(+16.8%)。跌幅前三为:GT(-12.2%)、LSK(-8.0%)、BTT(-8.0%)。LpE91联合|一站式招商信息整合平台








