USDJPY has rebounded from the ascending trendline in further confirmation of the long-term rally. Oscillations continue upwards towards the apex of an ascending triangle. The upper bound is the 110.69 price level. Momentum indicators are moderately bullish.
USDJPY自上升趋势线回升,进一步确认了长期反弹。振荡继续向上并走向上升三角形的顶点。目前上限为 110.69 价位。动量指标适度看涨。
The GBPUSD pair is testing the 1.418 price level and has been testing this resistANCe line since mid-May. A break is yet to materialise as buyers lack the conviction to drive price action higher. Momentum indicators have moderate downward trajectories.
GBPUSD正在测试 1.418 价位,自5 月中旬以来一直在测试该阻力线。由于买方缺乏推动价格趋势走高的信心,因此尚未实现突破。动量指标有适度下行轨迹。
Eurodollar buyers are struggling to overcome the 1.217 obstacle, as the latest pullback has seen price action contained. The pair may now consolidate at this price level until fundamental factors change. Momentum indicators have moderate downward trajectories.
XAUUSD has rebounded from the trendline, though bullish sentiment may be beginning to wane. A series of smaller bodied candles indicate that support is fading. The 1950 resistANCe area remains a target. Momentum indicators have downward trajectories.
XAUUSD已从趋势线反弹,但看涨情绪似乎开始减弱。一系列较小的蜡烛线表明支撑正在减弱。 1950 阻力区仍然作为目标。动量指标有向下的轨迹。
USOUSD is making moderate, incremental bullish moves. Bullish sentiment remains fairly weak as highlighted by small-bodied candles, yet a complete lack of appetite from sellers is seeing the commodity float higher. A break into the $70 per barrel range would be significant. Momentum indicators suggest the commodity is overbought.
USOUSD正进行适度、渐进的看涨走势。小蜡烛线突显出看涨情绪仍然相当疲软,但由于卖方完全缺乏兴趣,大宗商品价格走高。突破每桶 70 美元的区间将意义重大。动量指标表明大宗商品超买。
The JP225 has rejected the descending trendline as sellers have begun to return in early Trading. The next target is the 28,532 support level which has proven to be an obstacle for sellers in the past. Momentum indicators are moderately bullish.
由于卖方在早盘交易中开始回归,JP225 拒绝了下降趋势线。下一个目标为此前被证实是卖方阻碍的28,532支撑位。动量指标适度看涨。
The WS30 is edging closer to the apex of an ascending trendline, which is a key support level for the index. Three tests of the 34,864 upper bound have failed to produce a break. As oscillations narrow, a bullish breakout is anticipated. Momentum indicators have flattened in bullish territory.
WS30正逐渐接近上升趋势线的顶点,此顶点也是该指数的关键支撑位。 34,864价格上限的三次测试均未能有所突破。随着振荡收窄,预计将出现看涨突破。动量指标在看涨区域持平。
In the event of any discrepANCies between the Chinese veRSIon and English veRSIon of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.
This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for Trading.
策略仅供参考 不做交易依据